Thursday, January 22, 2009

Form and Content Exercise 1

For the first Form and Content exercise I went to the website The context that this ad is presenting is that the Pedigree adoption drive wants to help the new President elect choose a new puppy for his two daughters, and they mentioned that adopting a puppy from a shelter would be better. The connection between the content and form is that Pedigree used a dog probably from a shelter. The dog has those sad puppy dog eyes that say “please help,” “please adopt me, I need a good home.” Also with the content it’s connected by the foundation saying that shelter dogs are the best choice to make, to also know that you might be giving that dog a home, a chance to experience that. What makes the print ad visually interesting is that the background to the ad is black, dark, and gives you a sad feeling, but when you see the shelter dog yes he makes you sad, but then that dog is what brings happiness to the whole ad, and he makes you want to adopt him. I believe that reaching out to the President Elect was a good choice because Barack Obama has such a great influence to this country, and if he did adopt from that foundation, I am sure that many Americans would do the same or even other shelters in their area. In the print ad the designer did not mentioned what principles of design were used, so I’m going to try and figure out what principles were used. With the principles of design I believe that the designer used emphasis in the type, because the ad was directed to then President Elect Obama. With the balance it’s a bit right heavy because of the dog. Also the designer used unity in the ad because the ad talks about adopting shelter dogs and there is a shelter dog to the right of the ad. With proportion the writing and the logo are the same height. With the type, it is the color yellow, the same color of the Pedigree bag at the bottom of the ad, and the yellow type, almost matches the shelter dog shown on the right.

1 comment:

  1. nice review...what about the use of scale and hierarchy? What about the font choice and grid structure? The leading used, the run-around?
